David Strittmatter

Get to know me


The life of a little naive optimist.

Hi, it’s David!

This page serves as the central platform for all my current and future projects. 

Here, I will record and share my learnings through my struggles, failures, successes, and everyday life.

At the moment I am writing this blog and posting every week on my most important learnings of the past week.

For those who want to know why I am actually doing this: Below this post, you can find my personal vision, mission (purpose of life), and most important values. My goals and actions are derived from those.

In case you have any questions, feedback, or requests, please hit me up via e-mail, LinkedIn, or Chat.


The state I want the world be in when I leave it.

A world without limitations on mobility, with unrestricted access to quality education and nourishment, as well as a cosmopolitan life-worthy planet of humanity beyond exaggerated nationalism.


What role I want and have to play in it to make my vision become reality.

Advancing the progress of this beautiful world, serving people every day as an inspiration and role model, to be part of the whole, to love and laugh infinitely and to discover every day as a new opportunity.


The fundamentals for my day-to-day decision making.

  1. Long term thinking
  2. Never satisfied, always grateful
  3. Appreciation of life and other human beings
  4. Fun, joy and pleasure


In this exact order.


Since January 2021


Strategy Consultant

Since January 2021

September 2017 - August 2020


Bachelor of Science – Business Adminstration

University of Mannheim

Grade: 1,1 with distinction

September 2017 - August 2020

September 2017 - August 2020


Business Development Intern @Getsafe – 10 weeks

Management Consulting Intern @zeb – 9 weeks 

Controlling Intern @SAP SE – 12 weeks

Strategic Marketing Intern @Testo SE – 8 weeks

September 2017 - August 2020

September 2014 - August 2017


A-Levels (Abitur)

Kaufmaennische Schulen Waldshut


Grade: 1,0

September 2014 - August 2017