David Strittmatter

The learnings from the past weeks are clear

Make a mistake once and it’s learning; make it twice and it’s a mistake

Dear friend,

The past 7 weeks were full of events, new experiences, and learnings.

I kinda lost my sense of time, never felt bored, and experienced joy throughout. I made unique experiences that I will remember for the rest of my life; learned and improved skills that will accelerate my career; achieved a new level of psychological resilience to withstand challenging times easier.

But this has come at an expense

  • I left my comfort zone to an extent that wasn’t sustainable – physiologically as well as psychically.
  • I neglected people and activities that are important to me.
  • I didn’t have the time to reflect on all the impressions. Time just passed.

The learnings from the past weeks are clear

Nevertheless, I am grateful for all the learnings of the past weeks:

  1. You cannot have it all. Life is full of decisions and each decision for something is also a decision against something. You cannot work from morning to evening from Monday to Friday, make trips to Ibiza or Amsterdam at the weekend, and have sufficient time for family and friends.
  2. Life always balances out. Intensive periods are followed by periods of rest. Stress in any sense requires rest. If you don’t rest, your body will make you rest – either through lowered energy levels or sickness.
  3. Thus, be clear about your priorities and seek experiences accordingly.

A mistake once and it’s learning…

… make it twice and it’s a mistake.

Each decision – for better or worse – entails valuable lessons. It’s our responsibility to extract those so we can live the best possible life, requiring critical reflection.

Once my current project is accomplished (in 2-3 weeks), I will again reflect on my priorities. I will ask myself…

  • what in the past few weeks contributed to my purpose of life
  • what made me grow in areas that are important to me
  • what did I neglect and should receive more attention

…to answer the question of what should I do more and what should I do less.

What did you learn in the past weeks?

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